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Grow Your Digital Banking Business

Turn staff into digital experts, support digital customers, and maximize the ROI on your tech investments.

Trusted by leading financial institutions

Banking has transformed. Training hasn't. Until now.

To grow your digital banking business you need a digitally fluent frontline staff and effective digital customer support tools.

The problem is, traditional learning systems and support tools aren’t tooled to teach tech, much less support digital customers.

LemonadeLXP is purpose built to help financial institutions and fintechs drive digital adoption, fluency, and growth.

Learn More
Learning Experience: internal

Turn Staff Into Digital Experts

Combine game-based learning, technology walkthroughs, and role-play scenarios to develop frontline digital experts with the knowledge and confidence they need to promote and support your digital capabilities.

  • + 93 %

    Digital Fluency Rate

  • + 91 %

    Digital Product Recommendations

  • - 81 %

    Training Costs

  • Instance Set-Up Time

93 % Digital Fluency Rate
91 % Digital Product Recommendations
81 % Training Costs
48 h Instance Set-Up Time

What People Are Saying

Start Driving Frontline Digital Fluency Now!

digital adoption: external

Support Digital Customers

Instantly author a support site that improves your customer experience using technology walkthroughs, videos, AI-synthesized voice, and more!

Drive adoption and support customers on demand.


Drink the Lemonade!